Whether a person is of traditional beliefs or a western one; whenever it comes to putting their thoughts before others relating to the economic condition of India, everyone has lots of suggestions, opinions and complains as well; regarding it. It is the tendency of we the humans that whenever we face some sort of problems, we always blame others , and when something happens in our favour, directly or indirectly we give the creditibility to ourselves only.
Despite of looking at these aspects, my only point is; we have to stop blaming others who are in the same cage as we are rather we need to get united to find a way out of this trap. CAGE!! No wonder this question must be coming in your mind. Exactly what kind of cage or trap I am talking about? The story started long time ago when some of us started developing a sense of dishonesty, disrespect and disbelief towards each and every thing , we dealt in. The sole reason behind it..; our greed to grab and grasp as much as possible. This greed is passing from one person to another like a popular trend. TREND; this word has a great impact especially on youths. So, this article is going to clearly lay emphasis on how this trend of greed is attracting our youngsters towards a “Deep Dark Vicious Circle”.
Everything that’s good or bad, legal or illegal if it becomes a “so called trend” ;everyone starts to go for it. For some point of time, many loses their most important mental ability that’s their CONSCIENCE . Our conscience is something that never misguides us, infact we; intentionally always make sure not to listen what it directs us to do. We, the youths , have wrongly understood some of the concepts of our economy and find it really cool despite of correcting ourselves .
The children especially of the age group 11-15years, instead of finding the solutions of their MATHEMATICAL problems , have started to find out the ways how they can cheat others by their selfish acts, they are more interested in learning the useless tricks that may help them to earn money anyhow inspite of memorising the concepts of the subjects being taught to them, wants to have each & everything that will give them more & more comfort by putting their least efforts….
So the question is do these young kids are born with such minds? Or Do they inherit these properties from their parents? Obviously no!! Though it is said that a child’s first school is his/her home.. But let me make this very clear to you that the only factor that’s responsible for any person’s behaviour or mentality is the surrounding or the environment in which they live in. Our surrounding has a great impact on our minds. Same happens in this case too ..when these young bloods grow up they have got to interact with people having different mindsets. Thoughts of one person sometimes totally contradicts with the thoughts of another. It totally depends upon the way, in which these thoughts are being presented before others.
I have a very good and practical based example from one of many experiences. I have to travel in a city bus regularly to my college. The bus ticket charges Rs.13 /-. I used to observe that some people (much older than me) having a huge smile on their faces ,mind you a very big smile ;used to give just Rs.10 to the bus conductor and the conductor used to accept it, as if they gave him the amount as a prize and he used to move on to the next passenger to do his “job”. To make my point clear, I would like to add that when someone takes this kind of step,this act clearly comes in the category of motivation that’s being given to welcoming the black money. Further, This kept happening for a long time infact it’s still taking place!! One day, an uncle sitting right next to me did the same act by giving just Rs.10 to the conductor and then the later (conductor) was asking the rest of the passengers for the same amount. As he now got the chance to get his “pockets heavy”. He denied to issue the tickets, to those who asked him for so. There were some schoool students too; whom I heard saying -” that it was a nice way to save money, and they will be following the same in the future, and will save Rs.3 per day” I got really furious when I heard them saying so, my such reaction was so not: as they understood how much important it is to save even a single penny these days but I was disturbed by the way they learnt so. I really don’t understand we always try to find out the flaws about the amenities that has been provided to us by our government but never tried even once to understand the exact reason behind it. Obviously we won’t do that, reason: already stated at the start of this article (complaining and creditibility line). [Read more…] about INDIAN ECONOMY- Trapped in a DARK VICIOUS CIRCLE