Some little perfection can make us more stylish and gorgeous. We know them as well but just not so conscious about them. So today I am helping you with some tips to make you look even better. Go ahead, get gorgeous!
Does your eyeliner constantly crumble while putting it on? Our friends at You Beauty recommend leaving it in the freezer for 15 minutes prior to applying your makeup. It should glide along your lash line seamlessly after that.
Shave with Conditioner
If you’re out of shaving cream, lather your legs with conditioner instead of soap. Conditioner will soften the hair on your legs making it easier to shave (and it will leave your skin feeling extra silky).
Rinse Hair with Beer Or Vinegar
Rinsing your hair with beer helps restore moisture to your locks while using vinegar will up the ante in shine. Soak your hair in either liquid (not at the same time) for a few minutes, then rinse with cold water.
Turn Up the Heat
For curlier, flirtier lashes, the experts at You Beauty recommend heating your lash curler with a hair dryer for five to eight seconds before curling them.
Make Your Manicure Last. And Last
Before applying nail polish, wipe nails with an acetone-based cleanser. Essie Weingarten, founder of Essie Cosmetics, told the pros at Redbook that cleaning excess dirt, oil or moisturizer from your nails will ensure that the polish adheres properly. Follow the rest of these tips at Redbook and your perfectly polished manicure will last for a week and a half.
Soothe Your Stomach. And Your Face
Apparently Pepto-Bismol isn’t just a stomach soother, it can also be used as a facial mask. It contains bismuth subsalicylate, which is commonly found in facial creams. In an interview with Reader’s Digest, Dr.Frances Jang, a dermatologist at Skinworks, recommended spreading two teaspoons of Pepto-Bismol on your face, then letting it dry for 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
Wear sunscreen every day, rain or shine. Even when it’s cloudy. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 80 per cent of the sun’s ultraviolet rays pass through the clouds.
Don’t Neglect Your Elbows
It’s easy to forget about your elbows, but they need just as much protection and care as other parts of your body. Cure dry elbows by massaging Bio-Oil onto them daily. You’ll see and feel softer elbows in at least two days.
Lighten Hair With Chamomile Tea And Lemon Juice
In an interview with Reader’s Digest, Popie Poulos, hairstylist and owner of The Salon, recommends rinsing your hair with a mixture of chamomile and fresh lemon juice instead of conditioner to permanently lighten your tresses. Allow your hair to dry while sitting in the sun or use a blow dryer — the heat will lighten your locks.
De-Puff Your Eyes With Raw Potatoes
In an interview with Reader’s Digest, Dr.Frances Jang, a dermatologist at Skinworks recommends using raw potato slices to soothe your eyes. She says they are astringent which means they help decrease water retention and they also contain the enzyme catalase which helps lighten dark under eye circles. First, wash and peel a potato. Cut two slices and place one on each eye for 10 minutes. Lay down, relax and let the potatoes work their magic. Rinse the eye area gently with lukewarm water when you’re done.
Maximize The Lifespan Of Your Blow Out
We love walking out of the salon with a fresh blow out, but how do you prevent your locks from going limp in the days after? The experts at Allure say plan early. Your hair naturally secretes oil so be two steps ahead and spray your roots with dry shampoo before you start producing oil. This way the dry shampoo will absorb any moisture before it weighs down your tresses. Also make sure you protect your hair from moisture (rain is sure to ruin your mane) and touch up your blow out in the morning using a hair dryer and round brush. It will give you an instant boost of volume.
The trick to achieving a chiseled celebrity-like face is to contour (Angelina Jolie cheekbones, anyone?). Your face is three dimensional so applying foundation in a single tone will only make your face appear flat. Add a highlighter to areas of your face that would usually catch light but create enough shadow to emphasize your jaw line and cheekbones. For tips on how to contour your face according to its specific shape, visit Total Beauty.
Say Goodbye To Makeup Sponges
Makeup sponges help you apply make up, but not without a cost. They usually soak up more liquid foundation than what ends up on your face. The result? You’re wasting foundation and constantly buying new sponges. The fix? Get a foundation brush. You waste less foundation and it allows for a more even and precise application than a sponge would.
Giving yourself a natural glow avec blush is an in look for spring. But you’ll want to avoid brushing on too much (lest you look like a clown). So always start your blush line two finger widths away from your nose and only apply it on the apples of your cheeks. This will ensure you create a natural glow without going overboard.
So mind them and be beautiful…. J