Hands are probably one of the most important and useful part of your body and I think everyone of us ignores it the most and gives more attention and care to face. When I was younger, well when I was in my twenties (alas! Those days are not gonna come back 🙂 Kidding, I love where I am), people used to ask how come your hands are so beautiful and not your face? What do you use on hands but not for the skin. Well that hurts a lot. But anyways, let me share my open secret for those beautiful hands. Although in my twenties, I had a perfectly fair complexion but still my hands did always shine out. Well there is no secret recipe to it. What I simply used to do was to always put on lotion whenever I washed my hands and sometimes, even when I did not wash them, I just always feel the need to put on lotion as I always felt that my hands are drying out. So to keep my hands moisturized, I used lotion regularly.
Well now that I am aging, though I am not that old, just in the beginning of my thirties 😛 I have to take care of them a lot more to make them look beautiful as aging also starts to show on your hands, as it shows on your face. As I have to do a lot of chores on daily basis to keep my routine life go on, so my hands need more attention than ever.
- Moisturize:
First of all, make it a habit to moisturize your hands regularly with any lotion. You do not have to spend bucks to buy something very extravagant, just a simple lotion with moisturizing elements will do the job.
- Do manicure at home:
Well, if you are anything like me and do not want to go to salon every week to spend few hundred bucks, then keep reading. It does not mean that I do not go to salon, I do like to go there once in a while to get my hands manicured but I don’t think it is right to spend your hard earned money every week for getting the services you can easily do at home. This is why, every week I take an hour to manicure my hands. I start by clearing the cutiles, cutting dead skin, soaking them in hot water and then I scrub them and finish by moisturizing with lotion. It is simple, easy and gives the neatness you need for your hands.
- Use less harsh nail remover:
Try to use less harsh nail removers which are acetone free. A good soft remover keeps the nail shining for good and does not affect nails.
- Diet:
You diet plays a huge role in keeping your nails shiny and beautiful. Protein and omega 3 are great ingredients to make your body healthy therefore increasing strength and structure of your nails.
- It is always a good idea to wear gloves whenever you are going to put your nails in water.
- Coconut oil is also good for moisturizing the hands.
- For restoring the natural looking shine of your nails, when you do not have to necessarily wear a nail polish, do not put on a transparent shiner, rather use buffer to restore natural shine.
With just simple tips, you can keep your hands beautiful, healthy and younger looking ever.