One of today’s hardest challenges for women is to keep their body healthy and attractive. Absorbed in the everyday life’s caos, it’s very easy to forget that also our body deserve attention. We convince ourselves that we don’t have enough time to take care of it and we end up with let it go. But it’s not about time: it’s about willpower. If we find the willpower to give our body the right attentions, we’ll also find the needed time.
So the question now is: HOW? How can we keep our body healthy and attractive?
Let’s see the key steps:
1- Water, water and water. To drink enough is fundamental because it helps keeping our skin hydrated and reducing cellulitis. In general adults should drink between 2.7 and 3.7 liters of liquid everyday including the ones that come from food, so keep an eye on it!
2-Balanced diet. Many people think that having a healthy body is a goal that can be achieved just by not eating… False! There’s nothing more wrong than this! The right thing to do is to have a balanced diet that includes all the elements our body needs like vitamins, proteins, fibers, minerals. Don’t skip meals and eat balanced: you will notice the results
3-Movement. A balance diet can do a lot, but if we match it with a daily work out routine the results will be even more evident. With “work out routine” we don’t mean a professional athlethe’s training program, but some simple exercises that can help your body to stay fit and tonic. Respecting everyday your exercises schedule you’ll understand where you need to work the most and you’ll become stronger and stronger
4-Don’t forget your mind! Sometimes we forget that our mind has effect on our body and it can influence it. It’s not easy to be always relaxed and carefree but if we try not to overload our mind we’ll feel less stressed and in this case some activities can help too such as a relaxing walk or a moment of meditation for the yoga lovers or just doing something that we know that can relax our mind.