Shreya is an engineer from Jaipur Rajasthan but has her interest in modeling.
My wonderful pics
I’m a part time freelance model and loves it.
Reservation in Education and Work: Yes or No?
With all the incidents occurring in India regarding the Jats’ demand for reservation in job and education and many more communities joining in the protests with the same demand in mind, every aware citizen at least once has thought whether reservation as a law should exist or be entirely withdrawn. There are many for and against opinions about this issue and this article seeks to present and review the logic and mindset behind each category of opinions.
“Why did the Indian Constitution create the concept of reservation in the first place?”, one might ask. When India gained Independence from two centuries of British colonial rule, country leaders made it a point to include reservation in education and work in the Constitution because the caste system that had been prevalent in India since centuries(earlier as The Varna System) and the atrocities branching out from it during the Colonial rule needed to be redressed and several economically and socially backward communities, some rendered so by the caste system, needed to be brought at par with the other communities. The then Indian leaders deemed reservation as a solution to eradicate the damages of the caste system, to provide level playing field for every citizen alike, and to promote equality amongst all the existing communities on all platforms other than the judiciary. The process used social, economic, and educational pointers to determine backwardness of a particular section of a community.
However, after almost seventy years, what has reservation achieved to alleviate the sufferings and achieve the targets? It has done a very minor change and many problem areas still remain without any impact. Reservation in its two forms, in education and in work, was supposed to eradicate discrimination, however in most cases; it seems to be doing the opposite. For example, consider a person from Scheduled Caste, with a family income of say 6 lakhs per annum, gets into a good school, a good college, and further on acquires a good job, through his/her reservation quota. Now consider another person, from SC, who lives in a remote and financially village of the country, who probably has just carried on the indigenous profession of as acquired by parents, who is actually ignorant of the essence of education, doesn’t get to reap the benefits of his reservation quota because he never gets the social platform to even know about it. Thus within the same community, a hierarchy is created, with the more economically well off person getting the benefit he/she doesn’t need while the one who does is more or less ignorant about it. Also, the concept of the creamy layer, a term used for to refer to the relatively wealthier and better educated members of the OBCs, doesn’t exist in case of the SC and ST. Add to that, the dissent of the people from general castes who have no quota and see what they rightfully claim to be their own seats in educational institutions as deserved on the basis of sheer merit being reserved through the quota for a person who probably got a lower rank in the same entrance examination. This creates a feeling of resentment and antipathy. Similarly, if a person from the General category hails from a BPL (below poverty line) family, he/she despite being the real benefactor of the reservation quota, doesn’t get it because of mere technicalities. The reservation quota for education makes sense when it comes to the social as well as economical uplifting of the backward classes however if a person get through to good schools and colleges through the reservation quota, he/she thus gets the opportunity to study and nurture himself/herself under the same academic environment as that of the general communities and henceforth a quota for jobs seems unnecessary. While this seems to be the general convincing logic, let me also mention that despite reservation, casteism in India prevails as dominantly as ever.
While it is a valid point, that people who have been oppressed since generations, need social as well as economic uplifting and as the government originally aimed to provide them with, empowerment. But to what limit? What should be the determining factor which would let the government know which group of people needs empowerment and which doesn’t? If a certain group of people is seen as needing empowerment and privileges, even if that group is not currently being oppressed or suppressed in any kind of way, just because of the caste they belong to, isn’t that another form of discrimination? Has reservation in jobs and education really been able to evict the caste and power hierarchy that exists in the society? Cases of economically forward but socially backward people are a common sight throughout the country. The Supreme Court of India had suggested scrapping all forms of reservation in higher educational institutions, however it doesn’t seem like any action was taken.
Also, reservation in jobs also tends to decrease the overall productivity of an individual and thus of the nation as a whole. A person can get through institutions of higher education and even acquire a job through the reservation quota, but this only gets that person to be economically benefitted, technically it still doesn’t help one with social progress.
Though reservation is required for the economic uplifting of citizens, on the social front it doesn’t seem to be helping much, and the social stigma regarding these ‘backward’ classes can only be cleared through proper education and awareness. Reservation should be revised in the following ways to cater to the needs of the people who are still in need of it:
1.Reservation should be focused on the economically backward people of the society, along with proper awareness to abdicate the ignorance of the needy so that they can use the privilege they deserve.
2. Reservation in work should be removed. Since those who have already taken the benefit of reservation in their educational field, they already gained equal opportunity to nurture their abilities and thus should face the rat-race at par with those who didn’t get the privilege.
3. The creamy layer concept should exist even for the SC-ST as well, as their is no true way to discern who is socially backwards and who isn’t.
4. More of the reserved classes who have used the privilege of reservation for two or three generations should be encouraged to give up their reservation quotas.
SOS Dry skin
Among skin types, dry skin is the most difficult to take care of and it’s the most needy of attention. It’s easy to follow the wrong routine because there are many skin care tips, but if you have a dry skin you cold end up with doing things that could hurt it even more. So, what are the steps to follow if you have a dry skin.
- Wear sunscreen, in winter also: sun damage makes your skin slowly unable to hold moisture or feel smooth, but if you protect it with a sunscreen it will always be protected from UV ray
- Use moisturizers: it’s very important to moisturize your skin so choose carefully the products with this function as serums, gels, lotions, creams, firming etc. Moisturizers should be filled with antioxidants, ingredients that help skin hold on to water, skin-repairing ingredients, and anti-inflammatory ingredients
- Exfoliate: exfoliating, the process of cells turnover is important for healthy skin, but due to sun’s action, your skin could need help. Find an exfoliant product in order to help your skin to remove the build-up of old skin cells and the replacing them with newer, smoother ones
- Don’t forget your lips: lips are the least capable of staying smooth and soft. Take care of them during day and night: apply and reapply an emollient lipstick or gloss; at night don’t go to sleep before protecting your lips with an emollient lip-balm all year-round.
- Never use products containing drying or irritating ingredients: but you already knew that one, right? Avoid constant exposure to dry environments, cod weather, or air from heaters or air conditioners. Adding a humidifier to your home can make a world of difference!
Naomi <3
Aleksandra Kostic – Fitness Pics
Alexandra Kostic is a model from Serbia and here she shows her body secrets. Fitness is her key success material for a perfectly tuned body. Want to be like her – start training like her 🙂
Bikini Universe
It’s very easy to feel lost in the bikini world: different types, lots of colors and billions of little differences that can make us feel more or less confident.
We should start by highlighting the difference between bikinis and lingeries: they can appear like the same thing, a bra and a slip, but they are not; we can’t go to the beach with an intimate complete or sleeping with a bikini lol. So what’s the difference? First of all the situation in which they can be
used: lingeries are items of cloths that we use beneath outer clothes and one of their main function is to provide concealment or support to our body; so we use lingeries everyday under our ordinary cloths and at night if we don’t want to wear just night clothes.
Bikini is a two piece swimsuit with a bra top for the chest and panties, the basic design is made of two triangles to cover woman’s breast and two triangles on the bottom to cover our bum; so bikinis are mainly used when we’re at the sea or we’re at the swimming pool. We could say that it’s made to be used in more social contexts while lingeries are more intimate. We can also say that the fabric is different from the one of a classic lingeriebe cause it is made to be worn in the water so it doesn’t ruin in contact with water.
As we said before it’s easy to feel confused looking at all the offers of bikini types so my advice is to start from choosing the one that is right for our body type:
- Athletic: if you have an athletic body you should focus on feminine cuts and details; show off your toned lower half with embellishments at the hip and a tampered-back bottom. Make look your chest area soft with a girlie print. Pass on bandeaus and shapeless tanks.
- Curvy: if you have a curvy figure you should choose a suit that complements curves while keeping assets firmly in place; opt for a solid print that won’t distort your proportions and look for a balconette or halter style to support your chest. If you’re not an exhibitionist you should avoid anything with shifty string top or bottom
- Pear: If your lower half is a little larger you can camouflage it with a strategically cut bottom; work on your hips and thighs with a full-coverage briefs, hipsters or boy shorts. Keep the attention on the upper half with molded cups, halter straps or cleavage detailing, stay away from loud “look at me!” prints on your lower half.
- Straight: if you have a straight figure you have two options, fake some curves or take advantages of the fact that you’ve nothing to hide. Enhance your boobs and butt with ruffles or padding, flaunt your straight silhouette in an itty-bitty string bikini and avoid sex-appeal quashing bandeau tops and sporty bottoms.
Second issue: color! The answer is simple: you should choose the color you like the most keeping attention to your skin tone, if you have a very clear skin you shouldn’t choose too light colors and if you have a more dark skin tone you can opt for more gaudy and brilliant colors.
Last but not least we should give an advice to the ones who don’t like bikini because they deserve to have an alternative too, right? So for the bikini non-lovers I could suggest one-pieces. This is another type of swimwear and it usually covers our torso except for the back or upper chest depending on the style. Some people consider one-piece swimsuit more modest than a two piece bikini and in some situations the wearing of a one-piece swimsuit may be mandatory or expected. But beyond this we can say that one-pieces are also a valid alternative for the ones who don’t feel very comfortable with their body and who want to feel a little more “covered”, even if today there are also some types of one-pieces that don’t leave a lot to the imagination lol.
Both bikinis and one-pieces have advantages and disadvantages, but it’s subjective because they could be perfect for some reason or vice versa for some others so my advice is to always start form to yourself: ask yourself what is better for your body and your confidence and you won’t have any difficulties in finding what fits you better.
If you follow these simple advises you’ll feel the queen of the beach and all girls will ask how you learned to choose so well for your person 😉
Naomi <3
Questions and Answers: SKIN CARE
How can I find my skin type?
The first step we need to make in order to understand how to set our skin care routine is to know our skin type.
1-Wash your skin and remove all the day’s make up and oil
2- Let your skin rest and don’t apply any product until it return to its natural state
3-At this point you can observe your skin and determine if it’s normal. oily, dry or a combination of the previous
How can I keep my skin hydrated?
Hydration is one of the main element of our skin protection routine: we should choose cleaning and exfoliating products with hydrating formulas, but don’t forget the simplest gesture: drink, drink, drink! Around 8 glasses of water per day will help your skin to be perfect
How can I avoid skin irritation?
To avoid our skin to get irritated there are some adroitness we should observe, we should be sure to choose make up products that are test against these problems and that are suitable for our skin type overall if it’s delicate, we should always clean our brushes regularly to fight infections and clogged pores.
Can food help my skin beauty?
A balanced diet with a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods is a must of our skin. It will nurture our skin with all the necessary elements. It’s obviously better to avoid food with lots of fats
Naomi <3
Bullying/Ragging and the Different Aspects
Have you ever been bullied, seen anyone else bully or being bullied? What did you think of it? Was it just people being mean, or was it just people having fun? No, it wasn’t anything that can be described with the adjective ‘just’. While bullying in schools is more prevalent in Western cultures, ragging is what actually grips Indian college students. Bullying and ragging are basically different names of the same phenomenon, which is, in the simplest of words, repeated belligerent behavior towards a person, group of persons, usually as a means to satisfy personal need, resulting in prolonged psychological consequences to both the parties.
People who have been bullied or ragged, at those crucial moments can’t help asking themselves “why me?” thus contemplating whether it is in themselves where the problem is located; but it isn’t. It has nothing to do with the victims’ strength or weakness or the inability to ‘properly’ self-defend, but depends on their responses to general stressful situations. People who bully are the ones psychologically incompetent to deal with the insecurities or complexes inhabiting their mind. It can also be said that it is a form of paranoia, and the consequent tendency to identify threats where they don’t exist, that makes them be aggressive to fellow students, (colleagues or subordinates in case of office-bullying). A bully, whether a child, a teenager, or an adult would recognize an indifferent slip-up made by someone (say being accidentally pushed) as a form of intended aggression, and in guarding or avenging themselves from this misapprehended aggression, they become aggressors themselves. However these aggressors do not see themselves in the wrong, given that their initial perceptions of society are mistaken already; and since some of their supposedly harmless actions garner laughs, or any other sort of attention from others, they fail to understand what others actually think and how deep the effect of their actions might go. So basically, such behavior isn’t plain attention-seeking, thus ignoring is not the simple solution. If the victim does not resist, appears quieter, or physically weaker than the bully, and gives in, the latter singles the former out for future psychologically satisfying antagonism. It is interesting to note, that somebody who has once been a victim, can later on become a bully when in a different environment.
In India, a lot of people and cultures that take part in ragging/bullying activities will come to its defense on the reasoning that it is a tradition – which they want to keep alive, but in part it is because they have experienced it themselves and it is only fair that they shouldn’t be the only ones. The act of aggressive ragging/bullying is said to build character in students to face the ‘harsh world’ outside campus. Right now you would probably shake your head derisively at this argument, since it’s written down like this, but imagine yourselves as a part of that culture, when you are trying to be a part of your peer group, maybe it would be a nod then. The thing is that often, in colleges, seniors and juniors engage in ragging activities to bridge the gap between them, and as long as it stays in that playful limit, nobody is harmed. However, when it becomes a power play, when it is attempted ‘to show’ the ragged one ‘his/her place’, that’s when it becomes traumatic.
In western countries, the scenario is different where teachers or professors, even if they know of the bullying activities, they just deem it ‘kids being kids’ incidents. Also, kids in western countries shy away from reporting such incidents because of the fear of being publicly ridiculed as a ‘tattletale’ or a ‘spoilsport’.
Be it India, or the West, the ragging/bullying behavior comes into critique only when death or severe trauma is involved. However, even if some ratio of victims did not commit suicide or were not mentally affected in an apparent manner, the trauma they underwent does not become any less serious. Nowadays bullying and ragging have their own social profile on the internet that is cyber bullying, so one doesn’t need to be in the same building with his/her bully anymore, he/she would be bullied 24X7 through cellphones and computers.
So what is the solution, i.e., if there is any? Bullying and ragging behavior has to be nipped in the bud by careful monitoring through adult guidance, namely parents or guardians of their children. There are ways to know if a child is a potential bully; such a child would show aggressive behavior at home too, would be interested in depictions of violence far advanced than its age. Similarly, it can be known if a child is submissive enough to be a victim. It would be prudent to introduce into children the healthy habit of talking about whatever is bothering their minds, and to make them understand the difference between needs and necessity. Bully behavior most commonly has roots in some sort of frustration, and attempting to know what it is and what can be done about it is definitely a way to prevent such antipathy.
Leggings addiction
Today leggings are a must in every girl’s wardrobe. They are very versatile, in fact they can be worn in simple outfits or with something that makes your look appear more elegant and sophisticated.
The first question we can ask about leggings is: what color should I wear them? I think that we could begin from basic colors like black and grey. These colors allow our leggings to be combined with everything else and they also can make our dress or our oversize pullover pop; so we can start from keeping in our wardrobe two pair of each.
Fantasies are perfect for the one who like to dare: leggings are available in billions of fantasies and extravagant colors and they are ideal if we want to create a special outfit.
But attention! Lol. If we’re wearing very colorful leggings or with eccentric fantasies we should combine them with neutral bottoms… we don’t want to look like a rainbow! So we can wear our fancy leggings with a shirt or a pullover of a neutral color, in these case our leggings will be the protagonist.
Last but not least thing to consider is that leggings are VERY tight and we should remember we’re not wearing simple jeans. Starting by saying that every woman is beautiful in her own way and that she can wear whatever she wants (because who cares about other people think?), we should have in our mind that our body is very exposed so if we don’t want to feel uncomfortable because of our little flaws that could be highlighted by this clothe, we should be sure to buy leggings that are not too tight or too short because they could make our legs appear shorter.
Concluding we can say that leggings are perfect if you want to create basic outfits but also more studied looks, it just depends on our choice of colors and fantasies. The trick is to be creative but staying simple 😉
Naomi <3
Natasa Markovic – Serbia
Natasa Markovic is a photo model and she started when she was a kid, but seriously dealt with it over the past few years, with a passion for acting, being in a front of a camera, and she likes to pose. She mainly shoot for fashion, sport clothing, swimwear but she also enjoys creative projects like bodypaint or dress up. She loves art photography. She is currently modeling for individual photographers. She is available for photo shoots in Serbia and can travel to other locations.She is high 166 cm. She has short red hair and dark brown eyes.